Sabbatical's over, and the second season of Bibliowhining has begun!
To celebrate my return to the blogosphere, enjoy a video in which my friend Karl and I discuss art, technology, education and our futures. It's worth a viewing, and there is new original artwork contained within. See the man behind the pig mask.
My personal life? I have a new place now -- a bright, spacious studio apartment in South Jersey, right off the Patco speedline to Philly. Much better than my old apartment, which I didn't mind so much, but that place was definitely a boy's club. I had one girl over there during my two years in Syracuse, and got an extended earful from her about the unacceptability of my living quarters. The only thing missing in my apartment is a pet... if you or anyone you know has a surplus of male kittens, sent one my way. A gentle cat with a nice disposition, not one that enjoys excessive scratching and gnawing. Neutered would be great.
Come visit sometime. We can have fun drinking good tea, listening to vintage punk albums and reading weird comic books.